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Cooking with Cannabis: Tips and Tricks 


As the use of cannabis becomes increasingly accepted in several societies worldwide, the inclination to explore distinct ways to consume it has likewise amplified. One such method is incorporating cannabis into edibles, with cooking being a creative and enjoyable approach. This method not only allows you to enjoy a tasty meal but also permits you to relish the benefits proposed by cannabis. Whether you’re an experienced chef or just a home cook starting on your culinary journey, this article provides invaluable insights on tips and tricks of cooking with cannabis.

Understand The Basics

Before delving into the kitchen with your apron on, understanding some fundamental concepts about cannabis is essential. It might be surprising to learn that raw cannabis plant contains cannabinoids in an inactive form, primarily as THCA and CBDA, the components’ of cannabis, which when heated, convert into THC and CBD. This process of activation is called decarboxylation, and it is this heat-induced conversion that enables the psychoactive properties of cannabis.

Grasping the potency estimation is equally crucial. It’s difficult to gauge exactly, but generally, your rule of thumb should be ‘less is more.’ Until you get comfortable with the effects, it is advisable to start with a small quantity.

The Choice of Strains

The varied strains of cannabis offer a wide array of flavors, aromas, and effects. So, your preferred strain will significantly affect the final dish. Though some may argue that the infusion of cannabis might taint the taste of their dish, understanding how individual strains can complement your recipe is key to maximizing the cannabis culinary experience. For instance, using a citrus-flavored strain for your lemon chicken definitely heightens the dish’s flavors.

Preparation is Key

Raw cannabis can’t be eaten or used in cooking directly. It needs to be processed into an edible form, primarily infusing it into cooking oils or butter. Cannabis-infused butter, known as Cannabutter, or THC Oil, are commonly used basics in cooking with cannabis. To make this, cannabis has to be carefully heated in a mixture of water and fat to decarboxylate it and enable the cannabinoids to infuse into the fat. This process can take a few hours but following this step meticulously will pay off in the final product.

Cooking Techniques

Contrary to most beliefs, cooking with cannabis does not only limit you to baking “pot brownies”. You can incorporate cannabis into virtually any dish that calls for oil or butter. However, it is recommended to avoid cooking at very high heats to prevent the THC from degrading. Also, remember to stir extensively while cooking to distribute potency evenly throughout the dish.

Trial and Error

Finding the perfect balance can take several trials and experiments. It’s important to stay patient, experiment with dosages, strains, recipes, and cooking techniques until you’ve found what works best for you. Keeping a journal to note down every experience, learning, and mistake would be valuable.

Safety Measures

While cooking with cannabis is a delightful experience, it’s crucial to uphold safety. Always inform anyone eating your dish that it contains cannabis and make sure to keep it out of the children’s reach. It’s prudent to remember that ingesting cannabis-infused food can have a delayed and more potent effect than smoking or vaping. Hence, take it slow when consuming and always wait to feel the effects before consuming more.


The Art of cooking with cannabis is an adventure in itself. It opens up a world of culinary possibilities while letting you reap the myriad benefits of cannabis. However, like any other culinary skill, this too needs practice and an understanding of its nuances. As you venture into this new-age culinary art, let these tips and tricks guide you to ensure a safe, creative, and enjoyable cooking journey. Bon Appetit!